Powerful & durable
Efficient flat-plate or horizontal solar collectors
Thermosolar – one of the oldest solar producers and the world’s only manufacturer of highly efficient vacuum flat-plate collectors – has more than 50 years of experience in the development and application of the latest solar collector technology. A biomass boiler from Hargassner and a solar collector from Thermosolar are therefore a perfect combination for efficient heating – eco-friendly and 100 % CO2-neutral. Not only can this powerful duo reduce heating costs by up to 30 %, both systems are also heavily subsidised.
Solar collectors provide thermal heat for households by absorbing solar energy and converting the energy into heat. The heat is then discharged into an accumulator where it is used to heat water or to support the heating system in general. The solar arrays are always intended to be an additional part of the installation next to an already existing heating system. A roof pointing to the south is advantageous in order to be able to store as much solar radiation as possible.
Hargassner solar panel TS 300
The solar flat-plate panel for
detached houses and apartment buildings
The TS 300 is a thermal high-performance flat-plate panel
for vertical installation of solar panels.
Where high performance standards are required, the TS 300 is the most cost-effective solution. Excellent manufacturing combined with the latest solar technology makes this panel unique. Thanks to its outstanding performance, this panel is particularly suitable for heating domestic water and supporting heating systems. In combination with a modern wood log boiler, a pellet boiler or with a combi boiler, the highest possible efficiency is achieved.
The panel consists of a compact deep-drawn trough made from an aluminium-magnesium alloy that is 0.8mm thick and attached to a sheet of safety glass by a frame of anodised aluminium. The full-surface absorber is coated with a highly selected aluminium oxide alloy and connected to the internal meandering pipe using a special forming technology. The solderless flange connections ensure the absorber is able to link up to the solar circuit quickly and safely. Up to 10 of these collectors can be connected together consecutively.
Hargassner solar panel TS 330 M
The horizontal solar panel for all cases
The high-performance flat-plate panel TS 330 M is used for horizonal installation of a thermal solar system.
The TS 330 M panel was specially developed for horizontal installation and is particularly suitable for installing solar systems on gable roofs with dormers, on balconies, facades or on flat roofs (high buildings) and allows the optimum use of existing roof surfaces. In addition, this collector has the same powerful properties as the TS 300 solar flat-plate panel and is thus perfectly suited for hot water preparation & heating support. Particularly environmentally friendly and efficient: the combination of a modern biomass heating system with solar thermal energy.
This high-performance panel consists of a compactly shaped, deep-drawn tray made of a 0.8 mm thick aluminium-magnesium alloy, to which the safety glass is attached by a frame made of anodised aluminium. The full-surface absorber is equipped with a highly selective coating made of an AlOx alloy and connected to the internal meander piping by a special connection technique. Thanks to solder-free flange connections, a quick and safe connection to the solar circuit is guaranteed. Up to eight of these panels can be connected together consecutively.
Hargassner solar panel TS 400
The high-performance flat-plate panel
with vacuum insulation
The TS 400 is a thermal vacuum flat-plate panel for the vertical installation of a highly efficient thermal solar system.
Thanks to its impressive performance, the TS 400 vacuum flat-plate panel is particularly suitable for process heat, special heat pump systems and supporting heating systems. The vacuum insulation technology means that condensate does not appear in the panel even at low temperatures.
The TS 400 panel consists of compact deep-drawn trough made from an aluminium-magnesium alloy that is 1.3 mm thick and attached to a sheet of safety glass by a frame of anodised aluminium. The full-surface absorber is coated with a highly selective AlOx alloy and connected to the internal meander piping by a special forming technique. The solderless flange connections guarantee a quick and secure connection to the solar circuit and the vacuum line. By filling the evacuated collector with krypton gas, performance is increased by 10 %. As this panel is completely hermetically sealed, it is well-suited to areas with high levels of air pollution and maritime climate. Up to 10 of these collectors can be connected together consecutively.
Installation & assembly of solar collectors for the preparation of hot water
The horizontal installation of this collector allows existing roof spaces to be used in the best possible way without the usual quality and performance expected from solar thermal collectors having to be compromised.
This collector consists of a compact deep-drawn trough made from an aluminium-magnesium alloy that is 0.8mm thick and attached to a sheet of safety glass by a frame of anodised aluminium. The full-surface absorber is coated with a carefully selected aluminium oxide alloy and connected to the internal meandering pipe using a special forming technology. The solderless flange connections along the short sides ensure the absorber is able to link up to the solar circuit quickly and safely. Up to eight of these collectors can be connected together consecutively.
Thanks to its impressive performance, this collector is particularly suitable for process heat, special heat pump systems and supporting heating systems. The vacuum insulation technology means that condensate doesn’t appear in the collector even at low temperatures.
This collector consists of a compact deep-drawn trough made from an aluminium-magnesium alloy that is 1.3mm thick and attached to a sheet of safety glass by a frame of anodised aluminium. The full-surface absorber is coated with a carefully selected aluminium oxide alloy and connected to the internal meandering pipe using a special forming technology. The solderless flange connections ensure the absorber is able to link up to the solar circuit and the vacuum line quickly and safely.
By filling the evacuated collector with krypton, performance is increased by 10%. As it is completely hermetically sealed, it is well-suited to areas with high levels of air pollution and a maritime climate. Up to 10 of these collectors can be connected together consecutively.
Premium quality solar arrays: the advantages
- The deep-drawn collector trough made from a seawater-proof alloy of aluminium and magnesium is light and yet very stable.
- The meandering pipe made from copper guarantees high thermal conductivity levels and short reaction times.
- The mechanical connection between the meandering pipe and the absorber ensures consistent performance for decades.
- The glass covering made from 4mm specially toughened solar safety glass has been hail-tested in accordance with standard EN ISO 9806.
- The solderless collector connections enable fast, easy and safe installation.
- Consistently high quality levels are guaranteed thanks to modern manufacturing methods and quality assurance.
Absorber technology
In contrast to many other manufacturers who only spot-weld or solder the absorber and heat transfer tube, Thermosolar collectors mechanically join the meander and absorber over a large area. Advantages: maximum transfer area, fast heat exchange, high performance, low energy losses and long service life The effective transfer area is over 90% due to the mechanical pressing!