Hargassner France NORD
20/4, rue Mazarin
02800 La Fere
Representation for: PLZ 02, 08, 51, 60, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
Phone: +33 03 23 563 207
Email: [email protected]
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Representation for: PLZ 02, 08, 51, 60, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
Phone: +33 03 23 563 207
Email: [email protected]
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Plus X Award for Hargassner heat pump Airflow-M
Innovation award for brand quality
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Hargassner in-house exhibition:
A complete success!
Over 11,000 visitors celebrated 40 years of ‘Heating technology of the future’
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