Providing cosy warmth more efficiently and with less environmental impact - with a hybrid heating system
In past decades, oil and gas heating systems were considered the standard for home heating. However, nowadays modern systems offer more sustainable and ecological ways to a warm home – above all through heating with biomass.
Well thought-out hybrid heating systems combine different heating systems with each other in order to make ideal use of local conditions and to meet existing requirements in the best possible way. Learn more about the diversity of a hybrid heating system, how it works and its benefits.
How does hybrid heating work?
The basic principle of a hybrid heating system is the use of several energy sources. This creates flexibility and security, independence and sustainability – and also saves costs. In practice, such a hybrid system combines two different heating systems that obtain thermal energy from different sources (e.g. solar and biomass) and feed a common accumulator system.
The intelligent control system of the hybrid heating system ensures that heating is always optimised in terms of ecology and economy. For example, the second heating system – a biomass heating system, for example – is only switched on when the sun no longer supplies sufficient energy.
Which systems can be combined in a hybrid heating system?
With hybrid heating, a wide variety of systems can be combined with each other. Oil and gas heating systems, for example, can be supplemented with more environmentally friendly systems such as biomass or thermal solar energy. In the same way, purely renewable energy sources can be combined in so-called RE hybrid heating systems. In principle, there is much to be said for using solar systems to support heating.
Combi boilers
Hargassner’s combi boilers combine the advantages of a wood log heating system with those of a pellet boiler. The two renewable and CO2 -neutral energy sources in combination provide a high degree of supply security and flexibility. This makes it possible to adapt to fluctuating market prices and minimise fuel costs.
Pellet boiler & solar thermal energy
Dried and pressed wood shavings and wood chips, so-called pellets, are burned in pellet boilers. They have an excellent heating value and can be stored in a very space-saving way compared to other biomass energy sources.
In combination with a solar thermal system, you can make ideal use of the sun’s environmentally friendly energy and still remain independent of the weather and the seasons thanks to the pellet boiler.
Wood log boiler & solar thermal energy
The same also applies to the combination of log wood and solar thermal energy to create a modern hybrid heating system. Thanks to the latest log gasification technology, wood log boilers from Hargassner ensure outstanding efficiency and low emission values.
Wood chip boilers & solar thermal energy
Hybrid heating systems consisting of wood chip boiler and solar thermal energy use two of the cheapest energy sources currently available. Because in addition to a cost-efficient solar system, wood chips are not only considered renewable, but also particularly cheap. At the same time, you don’t have to do without high efficiency.
With individually adjustable wood chip storage and sophisticated refuelling systems, Hargassner also ensures the greatest possible convenience.
Benefits of hybrid heating systems
In times of climate change and global warming, many of the advantages of modern hybrid heating are obvious. The greater security of supply makes hybrid heating systems even more attractive as other renewable alternatives to oil and gas. In combination with biomass heating, solar thermal energy can be used without having to worry about fluctuations in the amount of sunshine.
In many cases, existing heating systems can be upgraded to hybrid heating systems using alternative energy sources. For example, oil or gas consumption can be sustainably reduced through the additional use of solar thermal energy.
The eco-friendly alternative to oil & gas
Biomass energy sources such as wood, pellets and wood chips are renewable resources and represent an environmentally and climate-friendly alternative to fossil fuels such as oil and gas. Although CO2 is also released when biomass is burned, it is only as much as the plant absorbed while growing.
This is why heating with biomass is considered CO2-neutral. By combining it with solar thermal energy, even fewer greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere.
Moreover, biomass such as logs, pellets and wood chips as a domestic fuel is comparatively crisis-proof from a geopolitical perspective.